Wednesday, 1 December 2021

2021 AGM 6:30pm 8th December


The annual general meeting of the Victorian Rugby Referees Association to be held online at 6:30pm with Google Meet on the 8th December 2021.

Documents including previous minutes, proxy nomination form and committee nomination forms have been emailed to all current members. If you have not received these, please email

Monday, 12 April 2021

Enter your unavailability in Rugby Xplorer


If you haven't entered your unavailability in Rugby Xplorer, its pretty likely you'll get appointed to a game. If you then cannot accept that appointment, you will make at least 3 people (up to about 8) very grumpy. 

For step by step guidance see Entering your unavailability in Rugby Xplorer.

Top tips for recording your unavailability:

  • Enter your unavailability ASAP (appointments planning is done over weeks and months, not week to week)
  • Use the website not the app 
  • Always check Referee and Referee Coach boxes (even if you are not an accredited referee coach, you might be appointed in this category to mentor another referee)
  • Always include times as well as dates (you might only be out for the morning, or afternoon, or it could be all weekend).

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Annual update @ Quins 20th Mar, 8:30am to 12:30pm


Its time to update!

All Victorian referees were requested to attend the annual update held at Harlequins Rugby Club on the 20th March 2021.

In this session we learned of activities and initiatives of the VRRA for the coming season, heard the GMG's first hand from RA's Graham Cooper, and got to know some of your match official team mates better.

The session started at 9am and ran through to 12:30pm.

This presentation outlines what was discussed - the GMGs and what is happening in the VRRA this year in terms of appointments, coaching, community, recruitment and retention and admin.


Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Referee Ready courses start now


Want to become a referee? Take the first step and join a Referee Ready course online. First offering for the year is Monday 1st March, and they will be offered regularly online throughout the year. 

To sign up for a course go to and in the Learning Center and enroll in the Referee Ready course. 

If you would like a face to face delivery of this course at your club for a group, please email to arrange a referee to come to you.