Monday 12 April 2021

Enter your unavailability in Rugby Xplorer


If you haven't entered your unavailability in Rugby Xplorer, its pretty likely you'll get appointed to a game. If you then cannot accept that appointment, you will make at least 3 people (up to about 8) very grumpy. 

For step by step guidance see Entering your unavailability in Rugby Xplorer.

Top tips for recording your unavailability:

  • Enter your unavailability ASAP (appointments planning is done over weeks and months, not week to week)
  • Use the website not the app 
  • Always check Referee and Referee Coach boxes (even if you are not an accredited referee coach, you might be appointed in this category to mentor another referee)
  • Always include times as well as dates (you might only be out for the morning, or afternoon, or it could be all weekend).