Wednesday, 27 March 2019

March Ed: Scrums and Pre-game Preparation

Come along to Harlequins Rugby Club 6:30pm Wednesday 27th to share and learn with your fellow refs. This week we will expand on the session run by our Brumbies counterparts on scrums. Watch this video to be prepared.

And the preparation theme continues - we will also recap what it takes to be prepared for you game, whether it be your first for the year, first ever, or one hundred and first.

Addendum: Slides from this session are now available here.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

How to register with the VRRA

Whether you refereed last year (or previous) and intend to referee this year, or are new to refereeing in Victoria - you must register this year to be appointed to games.

In order to register, either download the "Rugby Xplorer" app (iOS and Android) and follow the prompts, or complete registration online starting here:

If you haven't already, you will need to set a new password for your existing rugby account. Use your MyRugby ID, or the email you have been using to log in to the Rugby Portal, and you will be able to set a new password.

In order to register, you'll need to search for this Association. The name in the system is Victorian Referees.

For those seeking to actively referee or referee coach, please choose 'Referee/Referee Coach/Asst Referee'. 

If you have a Working with Children Check but do not have the details on hand, answer 'NO'. These details can be updated another time.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Monday, 11 March 2019

Plan your season

As discussed at the annual update, its time to start planning your season. This is not just about getting physically fit but also about what your goals for the season will be, and how you plan to achieve them.

In our library, you'll see two new documents that can help with this planning:
  • Individual season plan, preparation word doc - Use this document to map out what you want to enter into Sideline. Remember that before you can save your plan in Sideline you need to add a coaches name. A coaches name will be sent to you, DO NOT pick one at random. For now, stick to the word doc.
  • Goal setting - This is the presentation from last years education session on the topic. Use this to develop your plan.