Sunday 27 March 2022

Meet Cameryn: here to help with your game reviews

There are two non negotiable's in referee progression: physical fitness and game reviews. Both are totally in your control, but the VRRA is here to help where we can with both.

Meet Cameryn our newest team member, ready to record your games! You wear a GPS tag and a radio, and Cameryn will follow you. Our goal is to get Cameryn to record games that aren't caught by RV recordings, and to give you footage to help with your game reviews.

If you're new to game reviews, start with the Game Review Summary that is on the Library page, or talk to a referee coach. If in doubt send a message to vrracoach at gmail dot com.

Sunday 20 March 2022

2022 Training day, time, and place

Training default is Monday night at 6:30pm (some exceptions will be advised)

  • Feb and March - Albert Park (Power House ground)
  • April and May - Holmesglen Reserve (Quins ground)
  • June, July and August - Albert Park (Power House ground)